Monday, November 19, 2018

IELTS Writing Task-1: The charts below shows the reasons why people travel to work by bicycle or by car.

The charts below shows the reasons why people travel to work by bicycle or by car.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


The pie charts bestow the reasons why folk travel to work by cycling or driving.

Overall, On the one hand, the most significant sectors are health and fitness and also less pollution of reasons for peeps travel to work by cycling, while a bicycle is slower than car driving. On the other hand, Comfort is a summit percentage part of driving, and safer than cycling is the least percentage of driving to work.

To begin with, Reasons for cycling to work is less pollution, 30% of pollution are shun from the environment. Moreover, folk travel to work by bicycle, it is 30% good for their health and fitness, and also 15% no parking problems happen.

On the Flip side, Reasons behind the driving to work is 40% of comfort and 21% Distance to work. Furthermore, People travel to work by car, 14% faster than cycling and it needs to carry things to work, and 11% safer than cycling.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

IELTS Writing Task-1: The following charts represent the weight measurements of people living in Charlestown in 1955 and 2015.

The following charts represent the weight measurements of people living in Charlestown in 1955 and 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


The bar graph portrays the weight evaluations of folk living in Charlestown in 1995 and 2015.

Overall, At the Beginning of the period, obese peeps are the least Weight assessment, while Ideal people are the most significant percentage weight assessment. In comparison, it can be predicted by the end of time, Ideal and underweight folk are dwindling. Meanwhile, Obese and Overweight people are swelling.

We can see that around 80% of 20-29 age people are ideal in 1995, and it is the summit ideal weight assessment in Charlestown. On the flip side, Well-nigh 40% of 60-69 age folk are ideal.  Near 1% of 20-29 peeps are overweight, and almost 20% of 30-49 age people are overweight. 

In 2015, 20-29 age Ideal people percentage remain the same, while overweight and obese peeps escalate plus-minus 1%, and underweight people are ebb about 1%. Obese and overweight folk are expanded in each category by twofold. On the contrary, Ideal and Underweight peeps are curtails by one-third except for ideal people of 20-29 age.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

IELTS Writing Task-1: The graph below shows the population for India and China since the year 2000.

The graph below shows the population for India and China since the year 2000 and predicts population growth until 2050.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


The Line graph proffers the information of the population for India and China since the year 2000 and forecasts population swell until 2050.

Overall, At the beginning of the period, China Population significant than India, but India exceed China after some year, and at the end of time, India has more population than China.

India accumulates nigh 60% in 50 years(from 2000 to 2050). In 2000 India has 1000 billion population, and in 2010 its population rose almost 200 billion, and again the same number of population escalates in the next 10 years. In 2030 India Population increasing approximately to 1410 billion, and tantamount china population. 20 years later it enlarges to near 1600 billion population.

China, Almost 1250 billion population in 2000, and after 10 year its population expands near to 1350 billion. In 2020 and 2030, the same amount of population around 1430 billion and this is a summit of its population in 50 years(2000-2050).  In the next 10 years its population dwindles by 10 billion roughly, and at the end of time in 2050 its population ebb to circa 1400 billion.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

IELTS Writing Task-1: The chart below shows the number of men and women in further education in Britain


The bar graph provides information about the number of men and women in further education in Britain in three spans and whether they were studying full-time or part-time in years 1970-71, 1980-81 and 1990-91.

Overall, At the beginning of the session, Man was the most significant amount in part-time and full-time studying, While women were at least in the part-time and full-time learning. In comparison, at the end of the period, women exceed men in part-time education. Male and female tantamount in full-time education.

In 1970-71, 1000 number of male students were in part-time and around 150 students in full-time education. Meanwhile, circa 750 female students were in part-time and 50 in full-time education. In 1980-81, Men students were ebb by 180 in part-time and near 30 students rose in full-time education. On the other hand, 50 women enrich in part-time and 150 swells in full-time education. 

In 1990-91, Women exceed men in part-time education by virtually 300 students, and in full-time education, both have an equal number of students around 200.

IELTS Writing Task-1: The percentage of food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years.

The Charts below show the percentage of food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years. The graph shows the number of meals eaten in fast food restaurants and sit-down restaurants.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


The chart provides information about the percentage of their food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals and home cooking in the year of 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010, and graph describes the average number of meals eaten in a fast-food cafe and sit-down restaurants per family.

Overall, At the beginning of the period, the middle-class family spent at least on restaurant meals. while home cooking was the most significant food-budget sector. In comparison, at the end of the time, home cooking and restaurant meals are equal in the ratio.

First chart display eatery meals part accounted for 10% of the average family of food budget in 1980, and experience a more than threefold increase to one-half in 2010. On the other hand, Home cooking was 90% in 1980 and these figure decline to 50% in 2010.

Second graph spectacle the mean number of meals eaten in a fast-food eatery and sit-down restaurants per family. In 1980 both have in equal number approximately 20. After ten years sit-down restaurant meals was slightly ahead than fast-food meals. In 2000 both were rise near to 40 and 55 number and fast-food meals exceed to sit-down meals, and in 2010 both enhance to around to 90 and 50 numbers.

IELTS Writing Task-1: How average middle-income families spent their household

The chart below shows how average middle-income families spent their household budget in two different years.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Household Budget Allocation-Middle Income


The chart provides information about how average middle-income families spent their household budget in the year 2010 and 2012.

Overall, At the beginning of the period, misc spent the least to the household budget, while housing was the most significant household budget sector. In comparison, at the end of the period housing and food/clothes were increased. On the other hand, vacations/leisure and misc were decreased.

Housing sector accounted for 35% of the household budget in 2010 and experienced a more than threefold rise to one-half in 2012. Food/clothes were 25% in 2010 and these figures rose to 10% in 2012.

Vacations/leisure, which comprise a quarter of the household budget in 2010, fell to 15% in 2012. In 2010 household budget outputs from misc were at 15%, and ebb by 10% after the 2-year period.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

IELTS Writing Task-1: Cement Production and Concrete Production


The diagram explains how to make cement, and how cement is used to create concrete for building purposes.

Overall, The process consists of two vital steps(Pace): Cement Production and Concrete  Production. In both steps consist around four sub-steps. Beginning with limestone used to produce cement, and ending up with concrete production using cement.

First of all. Cement production, limestone and clay pass throughout crusher and output powder. The Result input into mixer container, and undergoes to the rotating heater for heating, and pass from a grinder. Following this, cement produced and packed into bags.

Subsequently, the Second figure describes how to make concrete from 15% of cement, 10% of water, 25% of sand, and 50% of small stones are poured into a concrete mixer, and rotating for several times. Finally, Concrete ready to use for building purposes(intend).