Sunday, November 11, 2018

IELTS Writing Task-1: The percentage of food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years.

The Charts below show the percentage of food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years. The graph shows the number of meals eaten in fast food restaurants and sit-down restaurants.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


The chart provides information about the percentage of their food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals and home cooking in the year of 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010, and graph describes the average number of meals eaten in a fast-food cafe and sit-down restaurants per family.

Overall, At the beginning of the period, the middle-class family spent at least on restaurant meals. while home cooking was the most significant food-budget sector. In comparison, at the end of the time, home cooking and restaurant meals are equal in the ratio.

First chart display eatery meals part accounted for 10% of the average family of food budget in 1980, and experience a more than threefold increase to one-half in 2010. On the other hand, Home cooking was 90% in 1980 and these figure decline to 50% in 2010.

Second graph spectacle the mean number of meals eaten in a fast-food eatery and sit-down restaurants per family. In 1980 both have in equal number approximately 20. After ten years sit-down restaurant meals was slightly ahead than fast-food meals. In 2000 both were rise near to 40 and 55 number and fast-food meals exceed to sit-down meals, and in 2010 both enhance to around to 90 and 50 numbers.

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